Ágora - Cultura e Desporto do Porto, E.M., S.A.
Mónica Martins Nunes
Portugal Portugal, 2024, DOC, 29'
Brotam. Nos terrenos baldios contra o martelar dos prédios sempre em construção, entre muros de granito, cimento e chapa com ferrugem, musgo e gatos; na encosta entre o comboio e o rio, junto ao trânsito na VCI, frente ao metro, brotam hortas. Nesta cidade, a coreografia de gestos milenares do cultivo da terra repete-se dia após dia, sem falta. Semeiam, cavam, colhem, regam, comem, falam, descansam, voltam no dia a seguir e recomeçam os discretos gestos de resistência.
Sessão promovida em parceria com a Filmaporto — film Commission.
They sprout. In the wastelands against the hammering of buildings that are always under construction, between granite walls, cement and sheet metal with rust, moss and cats; on the hillside between the train and the river, next to the traffic on the highway, in front of the metro, vegetable gardens sprout up. In this city, the choreography of ancient gestures of cultivating the land is repeated day after day, without fail. Sowing, digging, harvesting, watering, eating, talking, resting, coming back the next day and restarting the discreet gestures of resistance.
Screening promoted in partnership with Filmaporto - film Commission