Porto Post Doc Festival Cinema - Associação Cultural
Maquete '92
Paulo Pinto
Portugal, 2023, DOC, 107’
Maquete ’92 retrata a banda vilacondense Turbo Junk I.E. e, pelo caminho, a cena rock portuguesa dos anos 1990. Ao longo dos seus nove anos de atividade, o grupo teve seis diferentes composições. Os motivos dessa constante reestruturação são vários: problemas com drogas, roubo de material, morte de um dos membros ou mudança de estilo musical. Uma história contemporânea que representa bem as dificuldades da carreira musical em Portugal.
Maquete '92 portrays the band Turbo Junk I.E (from Vila do Conde) and, along the way, the Portuguese rock scene of the 1990s. Over its nine years of activity, the group has had six different line-ups. The reasons for this constant restructuring are various: drug problems, theft of material, the death of one of the members or a change in musical style. A contemporary story that represents the difficulties of a musical career in Portugal.
acknowledge the importance of this musical hurricane. A portrait of a complex character with a life full of contradictions: a true revolutionary.